Project title:

Project start date: October 19, 2022

Project end date: October 19, 2022


<aside> 🧙🏻 Disclaimer: use this space to add any disclaimer or call out that may be relevant for further analysis



Describe the project and what led you to this stakeholder interview round — this summary may be useful to you in the future, when you come back to this notes.


_Ice breaker


thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me. As you may know, I am in charge of gathering research insights to guide the discovery. Before I dive into user research, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the project's scope, strategic goals, and any constraints we should consider when developing a solution. Your input will be invaluable to our team's success.

Before we start, I would like you to know that all the information and comments provided by you during this interview will be treated confidentially. Your comments will remain untraceable and if I quote you in my final report, I will do so without identifying your name or specific role. If there’s anything you really don’t want on the record, please let me know that as well.

This interview is completely voluntary on your part – if for any reason you want to stop, please let me know. We can finish the interview at that point and I can also eliminate this conversation if that is what you want. I planned … minutes for this session, does it sound reasonable to you?

If you have any questions now or during the process please let me know.